

课程名称: 河南大学高级英语牛保义主讲视频教程+课件讲义 国家级精品课程











课程负责人:牛保义 教授


第1讲 The Middle Eastern Bazaar

01-01 Background Knowledge: the Middle East

01-02 Detailed study

01-03 Appreciation: organizaiton and style

第2讲 Hiroshima

02-01 Background Knowledge: the Second World War

02-02 Detailed Study

02-03 Appreciation: Rhetorical Devices

第3讲 Ships in the Desert

03-01 Background Knowledge: ecological crisis

03-02 Detailed Study

03-03 Appreciation: narration

第4讲 Everyday Use for your Grandmama

04-01 Background Knowledge: the Black Culture in the U.S.

04-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第5讲 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the USSR

05-01 Background Knowledge: U.K. and the Second World War

05-02 Detailed Study

05-03 Appreciation: the art of making speeches

第6讲 Blackmail

06-01 Background Knowledge: Arthur Haley

06-02 Detailed Study

06-03 Appreciation: Aspects of the Novel

第7讲 The Age of Miracle Chips

07-01 Background Knowledge: computer and the modern age

07-02 Detailed Study

07-03 Appreciation

第8讲 An Interactive Life

08-01 Background Knowledge: the internet

08-02 Detailed Study

08-03 Appreciation: Organization

第9讲 Mark Twain—Mirror of America

09-01 Background Knowledge: Mark Twain

09-02 Detailed Study

09-03 Appreciation: Figures of Speech

第10讲 The Trial That Rocked the World

10-01 Background Knowledge: the Monkey Trial

10-02 Detailed Study

10-03 Appreciation: Irony and Ridicule

第11讲 But What’s a Dictionary for ?

11-01 Background Knowledge: Modern Linguistics

11-02 Detailed Study

11-03 Appreciation: Features of the Argumentative Essay

第12讲 The Loons

12-01 Background Knowledge

12-02 Detailed Study and Summary

第13讲 Britannia Rues the Waves

13-01 Background Knowledge: British Shipping Industry

13-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

13-03 Appreciation

第14讲 Argentia Bay

14-01 Background Knowledge, Detailed Study and Appreciation

第15讲 No Signposts in the Sea

15-01 Background Knowledge: the Author

15-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第16讲 1776

16-01 Background Knowledge: the Art of Drama

16-02 Detailed Study

第17讲 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

17-01 Background Knowledge: Natural Disasters

17-02 Detailed Study and Summary

第18讲 Marrakech

18-01 Background Knowledge: the People, the History and the Location of Marrakech

18-02 Detailed Study

18-03 Appreciation: Methods of Exposition

第19讲 Pub Talk and the King’s English

19-01 Background Knowledge: the Feature and Function of the Conversation

19-02 Detailed Study

19-03 Appreciation: Language

第20讲 Inaugural Address

20-01 Background Knowledge, Detailed Study and Appreciation

第21讲 Love is a Fallcy

21-01 Background Knowledge

21-02 Detailed Study and Summary

第22讲 Disappearing Through the Skylight

22-01 Background Knowledge: the Author

22-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第23讲 The Libido for the Ugly

23-01 Background Knowledge: Features of Description

23-02 Detailed Study

23-03 Appreciation: Structure and Figures of Speech

第24讲 The Worker as Creator or Machine

24-01 Background Knowledge: the Author Fromm

24-02 Detailed Study

24-03 Appreciation: Language

第25讲 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

25-01 Background Knowledge: the author

25-02 Detailed Study

第26讲 The Sad Young Men

26-01 Background Knowledge: the 1920s in the U. S.

26-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第27讲 The Future of the English

27-01 Background Knowledge: British Culture

27-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第28讲 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American

28-01 Background Knowledge: the Author

28-02 Detailed Study and Summary

第29讲 In Favor of Capital Punishment

29-01 Background Knowledge

29-02 Detailed Study and Appreciation

第30讲 Loving and Hating New York

30-01 Background Knowledge

30-02 Detailed Study

30-03 Appreciation: Organization and Figures of Speech



ISBN: 9787513502375

主编: 王立礼 张汉熙




ISBN: 9787513502696

主编: 梅仁毅 王立礼




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