
外国名著沉思录(Marcus Aurelius Meditations)(单本)(英语有声书)百度网盘下载有声书籍

外国名著沉思录(Marcus Aurelius Meditations)(单本)(英语有声书)百度网盘下载有声书籍

外国名著沉思录(Marcus Aurelius Meditations)(单本)(英语有声书),本音频由网收集整理,通过百度网盘分享。

有声英语外国名著沉思录(Marcus Aurelius Meditations)单本,英语有声书百度网盘打包下载。




Disc 1\Book 1.mp3

Disc 1\Book 2 – Composed among the Quadi on the River Gran.mp3

Disc 1\Book 3 – This written in Carnumtum.mp3

Disc 1\Book 4.mp3

Disc 1\Consider, for example, the times of Vespasian.mp3

Disc 1\Death is such as birth is, a mystery of nature.mp3

Disc 1\From Sextus, a benevolent disposition.mp3

Disc 1\If souls continue to exist, how does the air give room.mp3

Disc 1\In my adoptive father I observed mildness of temper.mp3

Disc 1\Labour not unwillingly, nor without regard.mp3

Disc 1\Theophrastus, in his comparison of evil actions.mp3

Disc 1\Though you should be going to live three thousand years.mp3

Disc 1\Throw awa then all else but hod to these few things only.mp3

Disc 1\To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers.mp3

Disc 2\01 If any god told you that you die tomorrow.mp3

Disc 2\02 Book 5.mp3

Disc 2\03 A prayer of the Athenians.mp3

Disc 2\04 About what am I now employing my own soul-.mp3

Disc 2\05 Things themselves do not touch the soul.mp3

Disc 2\06 The intelligence of the universe is social.mp3

Disc 2\07 Book 6.mp3

Disc 2\08 Some things are hurrying into existance.mp3

Disc 2\09 If any man should propose to you the question.mp3

Disc 2\10 Asia, Europe are minute corners of the universe.mp3

Disc 2\11 Be continually mindful of all the kinds of men.mp3

Disc 2\12 Book 7.mp3

Disc 2\13 The ruling faculty – your reason – does not disturb itself.mp3

Disc 3\01 From Plato- The man who has an elevated mind.mp3

Disc 3\02 Do not look around you to discover other men’s ruling principles.mp3

Disc 3\03 How do we know if Telauges was not superior.mp3

Disc 3\04 Book 8.mp3

Disc 3\05 When you rise from sleep with reluctance.mp3

Disc 3\06 It is satisfaction to a man to do the proper works of a man.mp3

Disc 3\07 Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus-.mp3

Disc 3\08 Say nothing more to yourself than what the first appearances report.mp3

Disc 3\09 Book 9.mp3

Disc 3\10 Among the animals which have not reason.mp3

Disc 3\11 Hasten to examine your own ruling faculty.mp3

Disc 3\12 You can remove out of the way many useless things.mp3

Disc 3\13 But perhaps you will say, the gods have placed them in your power.mp3

Disc 4\01 Book 10.mp3

Disc 4\02 When you have assumed these names.mp3

Disc 4\03 Inquire of yourself as soon as you wake from sleep.mp3

Disc 4\04 Constantly consider how all things such as they now are.mp3

Disc 4\05 To him who is penetrated by true principles.mp3

Disc 4\06 Book 11.mp3

Disc 4\07 As those who try to stand in your way when you are proceeding.mp3

Disc 4\08 If any have offended against you, consider first.mp3

Disc 4\09 There are four principal aberrations of the superior faculty.mp3

Disc 4\10 Book 12.mp3

Disc 4\11 In the application of your principles.mp3

Disc 4\12 Cast away opinion and you are saved.mp3



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